Encouraged by tweets and blog posts by Tracey Clark and Ali Edwards, I joined Reverb10.

Why? What really got me was the tagline that reads: “reflect on this year & manifest what’s next.” Manifest what's next. SOLD. Count me in.

For the month of December, this will be my home away from home, a little borrowed space on the www to participate in what promises to be an enlightening journey. Join me?

17 December 2010

day seventeen | lesson learned

prompt: lesson learned
What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?
(Author: Tara Weaver)

I learned to value curiosity.

When I was growing up it was thought rude to ask questions. My mother would filter information, put her spin on things and spew her version of the truth. No questions allowed. Certainly no source checking! The upside? I became very observant of people. Small things like body language, facial twitches, expressions are fascinating; as is where people choose to stand when they enter a room, the people they engage with, the people they avoid. Often, as subtle as we all think we are, we really are not.

This year I continued in my effort to ask questions. Show genuine curiosity.

Why? I have been accused of being aloof. Disengaged. Nothing could be further from the truth, but people want you to talk. I can talk, and once I get going it really is hard to shut me up! I do my best to listen and watch rather than talk, but when I'm nervous I prattle on about complete nonsense and sound like a real dummy! Couple that with a glass or two of wine and oh my goodness.

I've enjoyed getting to know people better. Or, really, I've enjoyed hearing what they've had to say.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts Lee. I try to keep in mind how much I am talking versus the person I am talking to. I have learned to take pauses to allow others to get a word in - or to ask questions that really cause thought...Thanks for the reminder.
